I’ve just posted the newest Nelsen Social Networking Index (or here for archives) with results through January 2009. Headline: The number of people engaged in social networking and the amount of time they collectively devoted increased by all-time record amounts in the past 60 days (Dec 2008 plus Jan 2009).

Interestingly, MySpace engagement now looks like the Titanic 4 hours after networking with the iceberg. Relative to Facebook, in just one year it’s gone from consuming 5X as much of our precious time to just 40%. It’s a stunning 12X reversal of fortune for Rupert Murdock and News Corp. Last month for the first time ever, unique visitors to Facebook exceed those of MySpace… by a total of 10 million as Facebook gained 9 million and MySpace lost 1 million.

I publish this blog for executives running businesses and non-profit organizations. There are two reasons you should care about MySpace and Facebook, plus Twitter, TalkShoe, LinkedIn, Ning, GetSatisfaction, Crowdsping, and the like:

  1. This (meaning social networking) is the primary way that your customers and prospects under 35-years old are communicating today. If you’re lucky, they’re already talking about you and you should join the conversation (or else you must create one).
  2. These are the mediums that define your future employees. If you don’t understand them (the tools and networks), you won’t understand them (the X- and Y-generations).

There’s no time like the present to get started. Click the RSS for this blog and I’ll tell you more of what I know about this world behind the looking glass.