Finding Your Audience

A few months ago, I pointed out that companies that blog get on average 55% more web traffic.  But it’s not just 55% more traffic; it’s new prospects finding you exactly when they’re looking for what you do. Recall that half of all web traffic originates at a search...

A Cure for Too Much Email…

Ever heard the expression: “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail?” Yes, I’m talking about e-mail. According to the recent book, “The Tyranny of E-mail” by John Freeman, we’re now spending more than 40% of our time in corporate America...

Tablets, SmartPhones, and Apps!

Regular readers know that I usually focus on business social networking issues, and I will continue to do so. However, today I’m covering another “Interactive” topic of equal importance. In speaking to hundreds of business executives around the United States each...

Dialog Consulting Sample Clients

As a consultant, it’s incredibly gratifying to pause periodically and look back on all of the great clients I’ve had the opportunity to work with in the past decade or two. Here’s a sampling of some the businesses and not-for-profit organizations...

3 Rules for Using Social Media

I’m currently vacationing with my wife in Ponce, Puerto Rico (celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary) and another article is due. Thanks to the magic of the iPad and the Internet, it’s only a question of what to write about. Suddenly it dawns on me; I can’t believe...